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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Health Coronavirus Truth of Americans Demand to Fire the Anti-Epidemic Captain Fauci

Truth of Americans Demand to Fire the Anti-Epidemic Captain Fauci

The US economy is crashing, and Trump is also very anxious, demanding that states deregulate as soon as possible and resume production. The reason is simple. If the economy crashes completely, how did he participate in the 2020 election? But many governors ignored this stubble and demanded that the people continue to stay at home to fight the epidemic.

Coronavirus, Mass protests broke out in the United States
Coronavirus, Mass protests broke out in the United States

This weekend, something shocking happened in the United States!

Everyone knows that the epidemic is still spreading in the United States, but on Saturday, large-scale protests broke out in Texas, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Moreover, the theme is very interesting: fire Fauci.

Fauci is the top medical expert in the United States and now the most popular online celebrity in the United States. His professionalism and talents also made Americans affectionately call him “Captain of the US Anti-epidemic.”

In extraordinary times, large-scale crowds gather, and they want to fire the highly respected Fauci. What is wrong with the United States?

A few observation angles:

  1. When my friend first sent me a message, I was a bit suspicious of my eyes. But after looking at it, there are pictures and truth. In addition, the topic of “fire the Fauci” has already been on the hot search in the United States, and it is still the first hot search.
  2. Watch the video. The rally in Texas is in the square outside the state assembly. The crowd is quite dense. Many people still wave the American stars and stripes, shout slogans, and do n’t wear masks.
  3. In the video, many people still carry children.
  4. Some slogans are murderous, for example, there is a placard that says: If the vote does not set us free, then the bullet can …
Coronavirus, Mass protests broke out in the United States
Coronavirus, Mass protests broke out in the United States
  1. When the speaker talked about the excitement, the crowd shouted over and over again: Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci! Others shouted: Fascist Fauci!
  2. I saw a photojournalist, very emotional on social media:
Coronavirus, a photojournalist, very emotional on social media
Coronavirus, a photojournalist, very emotional on social media
  1. According to the American media, these protesters are all Trump’s diehard fans and strongly oppose all kinds of home restriction policies. As for Dr. Fauci, you do not let everyone come out for activities, Immediately fired.
  2. If there are reporters who do not open the pot, ask Trump at the White House press conference: Your supporters do so, will it cause death? Trump refused to give a clear answer and instead said that the restrictions in some states are too excessive …
  3. Of course, not all Americans think it is normal. Anyway, there is also awe on social media: these people do not maintain a social distance, and the mouth is still flying, is it crazy?
  4. On the weekend, this movement is also known as the “liberation movement” because Trump publicly called on social media: Liberation of Minnesota! Liberate Michigan! Liberate Virginia!

You read that right, he uses LIBERATE, and each letter is capitalized.

According to the interpretation of the American media: these states have fallen, the president is calling on the people to liberate these states!

As a result, these Americans “brave” walk on the streets.

Can you imagine such a scene?

The ignorant are fearless.

It’s terrible to think about.


Why is this happening?

According to American media, the US economy is crashing, and Trump is also very anxious, demanding that states deregulate and resume production as soon as possible. The reason is simple. If the economy crashes completely, how will he choose in the 2020 election?

But many governors ignored this and asked the people to stay at home to fight the epidemic. New York and others have also formed a “reworkers’ union ”in 10 states, bypassing the federal government and emphasizing the need to resume production based on actual conditions.

In response to Trump’s “right to order the unblocking”, New York Governor Como made a heavy remark. The United States is a federal system, and Trump has exceeded his authority. “We only have elected presidents. The United States has no king, and the people do not want a king”.

The order could not be conveyed, and Trump was also anxious. According to the American media, Trump simply stuck in the end and called on the people to “liberate” these states!

Of course, it’s interesting that the states Trump called for were all governed by the Democratic Party; Ohio, Idaho, and Florida, which were governed by the Republican Party, also protested, but Trump did not say that he would “liberate.”

As for Dr. Fauci, I’m sorry.

But this is the time when the epidemic is raging. Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington, who often scolds Trump for war, said sadly:

The President ’s practice this morning is encouraging illegal and dangerous behavior. He put millions of people at risk of being infected with the novel coronavirus. His disturbing growls and calls for people to “liberate” the states may lead to violence. We have seen it before. The President is inciting domestic rebellion and spreading lies, even though his own government says the virus is real and deadly …

Millions of people are in danger, leading to violence, and the president inciting rebellion …

Very absurd!

But this is America, America now.

Coronavirus, Trump
Coronavirus, Trump

Finally, let me briefly say three things:

  1. American society is extremely torn. Even the president now says “liberation”, and even the governor scolds the president for “incitement”, which is really more House of cards than House of cards.
  2. Have to worry about Americans. According to the data this morning, the number of diagnoses in the United States has exceeded 700,000 and the deaths have reached nearly 40,000. Such a large-scale gathering, as the photographer asked: How many people will be infected by this assembly?
  3. Dr. Fauci is estimated to be helpless: I just said a few truths, how could I become the latest cauldron?
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Nancy Huang
I'm a journalist in Shenzhen, China. I have been working in several news agencies in China since 2008.


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