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Home Society The Most Beautiful Anti-drug Flowers, Policewomen Tell about Undercover Experience

The Most Beautiful Anti-drug Flowers, Policewomen Tell about Undercover Experience

Let go of the ponytail, curl the hair into a wavy shape with a curling iron, put on a red low-cut dress, put a rose tattoo sticker on the collarbone, and paint with heavy makeup. Looking at herself in the mirror, Xiaolan (pseudonym) was satisfied.

This is what a “social big brother’s woman” should look like. Next, she only needs to wait for her superior’s notice to go to the appointed place to play her role.

Arrest at night
Arrest at night. (Photos are all provided by Dehong Border Management Detachment, Mangshi Border Management Brigade. Photography: Zhuang Xing)

Meet, say hello, pour tea, Lili (pseudonym) pretends to be calm. Prior to this, the drug dealers she had seen were all TV drama characters such as “Gu Tianle”, “Zhang Jiahui” and “Wang Jinsong”.

Lili could not imagine what would happen if the drug dealer recognized her as an undercover…

In the border management brigade of Mangshi, Dehong, Yunnan, there are such a group of women:

In order to break into the “enemy”, they had to take off their police uniforms, affix tattoos, and pretend to be “social sisters”. Even, sometimes it is necessary to pretend to be “very romantic”… Once it is time for an arrest, they will immediately switch back to their roles, rush to fight with drug dealers, and successfully handcuff them.

They are the first women’s anti-drug police team established by the Dehong State Frontier Brigade, and they are called “the most beautiful anti-drug police flowers”.

Arrest at night
Arrest at night

Undercover: Playing as a drug dealer lover

Contact with drug dealers is like taking a chestnut in a fire, and the danger of igniting and burning is always present.

It may be as short as 10 minutes, which determines the success or failure of the task, and even determines his own life and death.

Lili has experienced this thrilling.

During Valentine’s Day in 2018, Mangshi Border Control Brigade obtained an important intelligence clue that there is a large number of drugs in Myanmar to be transported to the mainland. After a judgment, China and Myanmar decided to act simultaneously.

In order to get stolen and gain money, the border management brigade of Mangshi City decided to conduct a camouflage investigation. A middle-level leader in the brigade plays a local buyer, and Lili is arranged as his “lover”.

That was Lili’s first real involvement in drug cases.

Although the joint location was chosen by herself and there were other colleagues around, Lili was still nervous.

Before that, the drug dealers she had seen were all TV drama characters such as “Gu Tianle”, “Zhang Jiahui”, “Wang Jinsong” and “Ni Dahong”.

When the leader asked her to come out to meet with the suspect, she had a mess in her head, and she subconsciously wanted to shout “Yes”, but eventually she refrained.

In mind, she sorted out the presets that thought about, what the other party might say, and what she would need to say.

Meeting, saying hello, pouring tea, Lili pretended to be calm, but fortunately, the other party seemed not interested in her, just a few words of greeting.

Half an hour later, the joint ended, Lili took a long sigh of relief, thinking that the matter was over.

However, unexpectedly, the crisis appeared a week later.

At that time, it was already in the stage of collecting nets and drugs were about to enter. Lili and another male investigator are posing as a couple again to monitor the target. The target has been at the barbecue stalls, there is no movement.

To confirm the situation, they decided to observe closely. Unexpectedly, when they just walked down, the drug dealer stood up and looked at Lili.

At this moment, Lili was nervous, but she quickly held up the hand of her composure, picked up her male colleague, walked quickly together, and made an exaggerated smile, trying to deform her face.

She could not imagine what would happen if the drug dealer recognized her…

Arrest operation
Arrest operation

Arrest: The drug dealer hit her face, Handcuffed with pain

On April 4, 2019, Mangshi Border Control Brigade received a clue that someone was preparing to traffic a batch of drugs to Mangshi for trading.

Ye Zi (pseudonym) and her comrades immediately drove to the wind-level entrance of Longrui Highway to squat down.

At the time in Mangshi, the temperature had already started to rise, and there were a lot of mosquitoes. At night, the bite bag on the neck was continually forming a tingle. There are occasional cries of unknown animals around, which makes people very upset.

Until 24 hours later, the vehicle was driven by the suspect finally appeared in the field of vision.

At the time of the Qingming holiday, the highway was free of charge and the buffer zone was lost. Drug dealers drove vehicles out of the highway.

The leader in charge of the entire arrest operation launched the vehicle and hit the throttle with one foot, and Ye Zi quickly rushed out with the comrades ambushing on the roadside.

Pulling the door open, Ye Zi wrestled with the drug dealer sitting on the co-pilot. The drug dealer didn’t hesitate because she was a woman, just a punch in her face…

In the end, the teammates put on a “silver bracelet” for the drug dealers, Ye Zi and the drug dealers’ faces were hurt.

Beat or not, Ye Zi never thought about it.

For the female policeman of the border management brigade, “I am a woman” is the most extravagant idea.

Interrogating suspects
Interrogating suspects

In another case, the aforementioned policeman Yingying also had a scuffle with drug dealers.

It was May 6, 2017, and the investigators spent five days and five nights back and forth, three of which were following the suspect.

The suspect drove two BMWs of similar colors, one to transport drugs and one to cover, and staggered forward.

The investigative team sent 5 groups of 5 vehicles, but even if the speed reached 120 yards, it was still unable to catch up with the suspect.

In the end, the investigation team decided to set up an accident site on the national highway where large trucks collided with small cars.

But he didn’t want to. The anti-reconnaissance ability of drug dealers was extremely strong. When he saw a traffic jam in the distance, he immediately braked and then quickly reversed the car.

With a loud noise, the tracking vehicle hit BMW. Two investigators suffered a rib injury and a dislocated arm.

The suspect immediately got out of the car and fled, then Yingying, and a thin southern colleague chased towards one of the suspects.

When Yingying chased into a sugar cane field, she saw that her colleague had fallen into a semi-coma, but still locked the suspect’s neck.

She rushed up immediately and subdued the suspect together with the others who followed her. The colleague who had been scrambling with the suspect before had been beaten by the suspect with an elbow.

Subsequently, Yingying and other colleagues helped him together. The colleague patted Yingying with a smile and said, “Good brother.”

Arrest operation
Arrest operation

hold: Household registration police become drug police

Let go of the ponytail, curl the hair into a wavy shape with a curling iron, put on a red low-cut dress, put a rose tattoo sticker on the collarbone, and paint with heavy makeup.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Xiaolan (pseudonym) was satisfied. This is what a “social big brother’s woman” should look like.

Next, she only needs to wait for her superior’s notice to go to the appointed place to play her role.

But in the end, this set of makeup did not come in handy because the drug dealers temporarily changed their plans.

Until 2018, Xiaolan had been a household registration policeman, managing trivial work.

After 2018, she was transferred to her current position, and the nature of her work has changed dramatically.

Her job targets have changed from honest local residents to fierce cross-border drug dealers, and her working hours have changed from a standard of 9 to 5 to almost a year-round. Xiaolan has been adjusting her status.

Xiaolan received her first case in 2019 when she was asked to monitor a box of drugs and arrest the receiver.

The drug dealers at that time were very smart, and they asked drug police officers disguised as sellers to put the “goods” under an open river bank. In order to be able to monitor everything, Xiao Lan and her colleagues had to commit themselves to a ruin by the river bank.

At that time, the weather was not good. It was raining and the temperature was very low. Xiaolan and her colleagues in single clothes dared not use umbrellas or movements, and they also had to control their teeth trembling.

Facing a cunning suspect, any turbulence may cause the operation to fail.

In this way, they monitored until the early morning.

After catching the suspect, Xiaolan found that the suspect had actually appeared in their field of vision many times, but the first few times they were very careful not to touch the box of drugs…

Xiaolan said that before coming to her current position, she had imagined the scenes that might exist in the TV series and the scene of holding a pistol and stepping on the head of a drug dealer with one foot.

However, this is not the case in reality. Their work is not as “vigorous” as ordinary people imagine. Most of the time, they are in ordinary, endless squats, and many drugs are stuck on the front line.

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Nancy Huang
I'm a journalist in Shenzhen, China. I have been working in several news agencies in China since 2008.


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