In the early morning of February 1, Chinese netizen posted a post: “The community buried my cat alive while the owner was isolated for COVID-19 inspection.”
It happened in Wuxi, and local animal health insurance has confirmed.
The owner needed quarantine because of the new coronavirus, but the community buried his cat alive because of worrying that the cat would be infected.

When the cat owner got the news, he was very disappointed, he asked the community secretary: “I have been completely unacceptable.”

When talking with the community secretary, he said, “Well, I understand your mood.”

The owner often posted pictures of his cat, very cute.

The owner wanted his friend to take the cat away originally, the community refused, and finally agreed to put it on the balcony to isolate and feed. “I did not think that the cat was buried alive at night.”

The COVID-19 epidemic has also hurt too many innocent cats and dogs.
One resident in a community in Tianjin who trusted the rumor that “cats and dogs can infect COVID-19”, then he threw his pet dog downstairs. The dog first smashed into a car, making a large hole in the sunroof, then rebounded to the side, mouth, and nose bleeding, died.

Five cats were also found dead near a community in Shanghai.

Such tragedies are so unfair to animals. We really hope that they won’t happen again!