No matter the Sars virus that swept China in 2003, or the COVID-19 nowadays, both are originated from wild animals.
Behind the epidemic, it may be a lament of wild animals, protecting wild animals is also protecting humanity.
Big Puffin
Cause of extinction: Mass killing by humans.

Southern California fox Cat
Cause of extinction: Used by humans for gun practice and entertainment.

Traveling Pigeon
Cause of extinction: Humans consider traveling pigeon meat to be cheap food.

Punch Wolf
Cause of extinction: Humans think it is a monster that killing sheep, massacre.

Pakistan sand Cat
Cause of extinction: Humans capture it in large numbers and keep it as a pet, the cat can’t reproduce under artificial conditions.

Mexican Grizzly
Cause of extinction: Humans have discovered that the palms, gall, and flesh of grizzly bears have extremely high economic value, began the mass kill.

Java Tiger
Cause of extinction: Humans have invaded habitats, poachers hunted them down or poisoned them.

Caribbean Seal
Cause of extinction: Humans eat Caribbean seals, and its fur is particularly good, they kill them in large numbers.


Look at these Extinct wild animals! When will that be Human?
Standing on the top of the food chain doesn’t mean that you will be master of the earth?