The Hong Kong police reminded that during the epidemic, citizens should not only maintain social distancing but also maintain absolute distance from crime.

Breaking the law requires criminal responsibility, so don’t try the law by yourself.
According to Hong Kong media reports, the Hong Kong police announced that from June 9 last year to September 6 this year, the police arrested a total of 10,016 people and prosecuted 2,210 people during the “Regulation Amendment Disturbance”.

The Hong Kong police stated that the first three crimes prosecuted were “riots” with a total of 687 people, followed by “illegal assembly” with a total of 383 people, and “possession of offensive weapons” with a total of 327 people. Among them, 550 have completed the judicial process, and 84%, or 462, have to bear the legal consequences, including being convicted, signing conservative behaviors, and receiving care or protection orders.
In addition, since June last year, the police have noticed a large number of “bottoms” on the Internet.

The police found that a clinic enrolled nurse uploaded the personal data of a police officer who sought medical treatment to social media last year while suspected of being at work.
After an investigation by the Police Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau, a 25-year-old local woman was arrested in Tsuen Wan District on August 26 last year. The woman was charged with the crimes of “using computers for the dishonest benefit of herself or others” and the crimes of “disclosing personal information obtained without the consent of the data user”. The case will appear in West Kowloon Magistracy on the morning of the 22nd of this month.